Contact North Lake Rec Sewer & Water

(208) 325-8958

[email protected]

PO Box 729 Donnelly, ID 83615



Cheryl Beach: District Treasurer/ Office Manager

Travis Pryor: Operations Manager

Office Clerks: Trever & Amanda 

Board of Directors

Kurt Holtan; Chair- Term Expires 2025

Vacant; Vice Chair- Term Expires 2027

John Sommerwerck- Term Expires 2027

Julie Suitter – Term Expires 2029

Chris Renfro- Term expires 2029

Board Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 11am at the District Office in Donnelly

Who Can Vote?

A qualified elector is defined as any natural person who is qualified to vote in an Idaho general election, and who is an actual resident of the district, or who is an actual resident of Idaho, owning land within the boundaries of the district, or is a lease holder of a state recreational lease and pays personal property tax on improvements on the lease, irrespective of his or her place of residence in Idaho.



Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Closed Weekends & All Federal Holidays

435 S Eld Lane

Donnelly, ID 83615
Phone: (208) 325-8958
Fax: (208) 325-5017
Email: [email protected]